California has the highest number of new cases of diabetes in the nation1
Diabetes is a chronic condition characterized by high levels of blood sugar resulting from issues with the body’s insulin production, insulin action, or both. Among US states, California has the highest number of new cases of diabetes.1
Indicator Progress
The 2012 baseline for the number of adults with diabetes per 100 is 9.2. In 2018, we were at 10.4 and hope to reach 7.0 or lower by 2022
More Data about Diabetes Prevalence
Diabetes Prevalence
Note: The baseline has changed from the original LGHC 2012 Task Force Report due to changes in survey methodology of the data source in 2012.
Indicator Highlights
The number of people with diabetes has increased by 32% over the past ten years.3
Research shows there is a close link between diabetes and low social or economic status. In California, ethnic minorities, the elderly, males, and individuals who are poor have higher rates of diabetes.2,3
Number of Adults with Diagnosed Diabetes per 100, Over Time
Number of Adults with Diagnosed Diabetes per 100, by Demographic Category
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