Many Californians receive care in a fragmented system.1
Many Californians receive care in a fragmented system that does not emphasize coordination of care or take into account the higher costs of care received outside of the primary care setting. One form of an integrated health care system is managed care which refers to health care coverage that organizes doctors, hospitals and other providers into groups in order to enhance the quality and cost effectiveness of medical treatment.
Indicator Progress
In 2013 (baseline year), 50.9% of Californians received care in an integrated system. The most recent data available show 59.8% (2018). We hope to reach a target of 63.9% or higher by 2022.
More Data about Health Care in an Integrated System
Integrated System
Caution: The data source has changed from the original LGHC 2012 Task Force Report as the original data source is no longer available.
Indicator Highlights
An estimated 17.4 million Californians (46%) receive their care from low-integration systems.
In the Coordinated Care Initiative (CCI), the state Medi-Cal program and the federal Medicare program have partnered on a project to improve care for California’s seniors and people with disabilities who are dually eligible for both of these public health insurance programs.
Santa Rosa Community Health Centers (SRCHC)
This innovation seeks to lower health care costs at Santa Rosa Community Health Centers. The program uses a nurse practitioner care team and care coordinators who manage patient care in a number of ways, including health center treatments, home visits, and phone appointments. Patients receive personalized care plans and work closely with care teams in order to achieve improved health outcomes while reducing hospitalization and treatment costs. Read more »
Percentage of Californians Who Receive Care in an Integrated System, Over Time
Percentage of Californians Who Receive Care in an Integrated System, by County
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