Creating Healthy Communities / Food Access - Increasing Access to Healthy Foods

Creating Healthy Communities / Food Access – Increasing Access to Healthy Foods2022-07-05T12:48:31-07:00

Access to fresh food is important for an active, healthy life.

Where we live has a major impact on our overall health status and wellness.1 Food security is defined as stable access to sufficient, affordable food for an active, healthy life.2 Food insecurity impacts all racial and ethnic groups and geographic regions of the state.

Communities with high concentrations of fast-food outlets and relatively high-priced convenience stores have been shown to have higher rates of obesity and diabetes, which can lead to other chronic diseases such as cardiovascular disease, stroke, and arthritis.3

Indicator Progress

In 2011 (baseline year), an estimated 78.9% of California adults could always find fresh fruits and vegetables in their neighborhood. The current value in 2018 was 89.0%. The updated 2034 target is to be determined (TBD).

More Data about Access to Fruits and Vegetables

Access to Fruits and Vegetables

Note: The indicator and data source have changed from the original LGHC 2012 Task Force Report as the original data source is no longer available. The baseline has been updated but the target will need to be developed for the new source.



Current Rate




Indicator Highlights

Data Snapshot

Proportion of Adults Who Report Always Finding Fruits and Vegetables in Neighborhood, Over Time

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Proportion of Adults Who Report Always Finding Fruits and Vegetables in Neighborhood, by Demographic Category

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Proportion of Adults Who Report Always Finding Fruits and Vegetables in Neighborhood, by County

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Indicator: Percent of adults who always or usually able to find fresh fruits and vegetables in their neighborhood.

Indicator Description: Indicators are from UCLA’s California Health Interview Survey (CHIS) Public Use File (PUF) and consequently their exploratory dashboard, AskCHIS. This variable asked respondents about food availability (CHIS PUF Variable: AC42, AskCHIS Variable: How often able to find fresh fruits and vegetables in neighborhood). Adults 18+ were asked to respond never, sometimes, usually, or always to the prompt, “How often can you find fresh fruits and vegetables in your neighborhood? Would you say…”.

Data Limitations: Asked of California’s residential population (adults, teens, and children), administered in English, Spanish, Chinese, Korean, Tagalog, and Vietnamese. Does not include those living in group quarters or homeless persons.

Indicator Source: UCLA’s Center for Health Policy Research CHIS is an annual, population-based, omnibus health survey of California. It is the largest telephone survey in California and the largest state health survey in the country. Note that this indicator uses weighted data.

Indicator Calculation Methodology: Able to find fresh fruits and vegetables in their neighborhood

Data Collection Methodology: Statewide telephone/internet survey using a geographically stratified sample design. Estimates are weighted to Dept. of Finance demographic data (adjusted for group quarters population). More information is available at

Program URL Link:

Reporting Cycle: Annual Survey

Reporting Lag: 2 years

1. Nutrition Education and Obesity Prevention Branch. (2014). Obesity in California: The Weight of the State. California Department of Public Health. Weblink:

2. Backman, D., Lee, P., & Paciotti, B. (2013). Health Disparities in the Medi-Cal Population. Retrieved November 17, 2015, from

Stories & Solutions

Ending Hunger in Orange County (OC)

Orange County experiences a unique disparity in which it ranks sixth in highest median income statewide, while also ranking ninth nationwide in counties with the highest number of people facing food insecurity.

The Healthy Stores for a Healthy Community Campaign

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