California spends $3.1 billion each year on hospital-acquired infections1

This indicator includes incidence of measurable hospital-acquired conditions (per 1,000 discharges). This data is comprised of a composite patient safety indicator, which includes an average of the observed-to-expected ratios of several other selected indicators of quality. The available data is limited and there remains opportunity for further development to establish a more definitive measure. At present, this indicator serves as a useful starting point for examining hospital quality. With sustained and system-wide quality improvement efforts in hospitals, safety and quality of care for patients can be enhanced and billions of dollars saved.

Indicator Progress

In 2011 (baseline year), there were 0.761 hospital-acquired conditions per 1,000 discharges. The current value in 2019 was 0.85. The updated 2034 target is to be determined (TBD).

More Data about Hospital Acquired Conditions

Hospital Acquired Conditions

Note: Due to the incorporation of ICD-10 codes and other factors into the measure composition, values for this indicator (include baseline) will likely change next year.



Current Rate




Indicator Highlights

Incidence of Hospital-Acquired Conditions per 1,000 Discharges, Over Time

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Indicator: Incidence of measureable hospital-acquired conditions (per 1,000 discharges)

Description: This data contains composite patient safety indicator (PSI), the weighted average of the reliability-adjusted observed-to-expected ratios for selected indicators. The composite PSI includes the following component indicators: pressure ulcer, iatrogenic pneumothorax, central venous catheter related, blood stream, postoperative hip fracture, perioperative pulmonary embolism, deep vein thrombosis, postoperative sepsis, postoperative wound dehiscence, accidental puncture, laceration. The indicator was calculated using the California Office of Statewide Health Planning & Development (OSHPD) Patient Discharge Data run through the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality’s Patient Safety Indicator Software, Version 4.4.

Data Limitations: California hospital medical record data for the reported medical conditions and procedures have not been validated through medical record reabstraction to demonstrate that patient severity-of-illness and complications are accurately and reliably coded across all hospitals. OSHPD views these indicators as potentially useful starting points for examining hospital quality but does not regard them as definitive measures of quality. Data for 2015 are reported for nine months only due to a coding change from ICD-9 to ICD-10. Comparisons across years should be made with caution since 2011-2014 results are based on 12 months of data, while the 2015 rate is based on 9 months of data.

Indicator Source: Office of Statewide Health Planning and Development, Healthcare Information Division, Healthcare Outcomes Center

Data Collection Methodology:

Program URL Link:

Geographic Granularity: State

Reporting Cycle: Annually, updated in September

Reporting Lag: 1-year lag

1. Let’s Get Healthy California Task Force. (December 2012). Let’s Get Healthy California Task Force Final Report.

2. California Department of Public Health. (2015, November 10). Retrieved November 17, 2015, from Healthcare-Associated Infections (HAI) Program :

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