End of Life / Increasing Advance Care Planning

Increasing Advance Care Planning2022-02-10T11:00:27-08:00

Only 10 percent of Californians talk about end of life care with their doctors. Have you had the talk?1

Advance care planning is the process of making sure that every individual determines and documents their preferences for treatment to guide decision-making, in situations when they cannot speak for themselves.1 This indicator measures use of Physician Orders for Life Sustaining Treatment (POLST) as part of advance care planning among nursing home residents.1 Other measures that monitor patient preferences for care and the processes for documenting and complying with those wishes need to be identified and will be critical additions to the dashboard in the coming years.

Although there is currently no indicator to measure statewide levels of advance care planning, this has been identified as an opportunity for further data development to monitor this priority area of attention.

Advance Care Planning

This indicator is under development and the baseline, current rate, and target are to be determined (TBD).

More Data about Advance Care Planning



Current Rate




Indicator Highlights


Although there is currently no indicator to measure levels of advance care planning, this has been identified as an opportunity for further data development to monitor this priority area of attention.

1. Let’s Get Healthy California Task Force. (December 2012). Lets Get Healthy California Task Force Final Report.

Stories & Solutions

Aging With Dignity at Home

Aging with Dignity at Home, AltaMed’s Program of All-Inclusive Care for the Elderly (PACE) allows seniors to receive coordinated medical, social, dental, nutritional and rehabilitative services, including Adult Day Health Care (ADHC) close to their homes and within the community.

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