The majority of those who have a substance use disorder started using before age 18 and developed their disorder by age 20.1
Substance use has a major impact on individuals, families, and communities. Children and adolescents who use substances at an early age are more likely to face problems with substance use as adults.2 The effects of youth alcohol and other drug use are cumulative, significantly contributing to a wide range of costly physical and mental health problems.3 Substance use has been linked to risky health behaviors (e.g., unprotected sex, smoking), injuries, motor vehicle accidents, impaired cognitive functioning, poor academic performance, physical violence, and suicide attempts.4
This indicator tracks the percentage of public school students who have used alcohol or drugs (excluding tobacco) in the previous 30 days.
Substance Use – Seventh Grade
The 2013-2015 (baseline year) average of seventh graders who used alcohol or drugs in the last 30 days (excluding tobacco) was 10.4%. The current value from 2017-2019 was 6.9%. The updated 2034 target is to be determined (TBD).
Substance Use – Ninth Grade
The 2013-2015 (baseline year) average of ninth graders who used alcohol or drugs in the last 30 days (excluding tobacco) was 23.2%. The current value from 2017-2019 was 14.6%. The updated 2034 target is to be determined (TBD).
Substance Use – Eleventh Grade
The 2013-2015 (baseline year) average of eleventh graders who used alcohol or drugs in the last 30 days (excluding tobacco) was 33.4%. The current value from 2017-2019 was 23.2%. The updated 2034 target is to be determined (TBD).
Substance Use – Non-traditional
The 2013-2015 (baseline year) average of non-traditional students who used alcohol or drugs in the last 30 days (excluding tobacco) was 60.2%. The current value from 2017-2019 was 28.6%. The updated 2034 target is to be determined (TBD).
Indicator Highlights
Youth Substance Use
Use of alcohol and drugs by youth increases dramatically from grade 7 to grade 11.5
Nearly one in five 11th graders had either driven when they had been drinking, or had ridden with a driver who had been drinking, at least once in their lifetimes.4
One in five 11th graders reported having used prescription pain medications to get high.5
Treatment Access and Utilization
About 2.7 million Californians met criteria for substance use disorder in the past year, but only 10% received any type of treatment.5
74% of adults participating in a substance abuse treatment program initiated alcohol or drug use before the age of seventeen.2
Addiction is a Health Condition Which Can Be Treated
Like other chronic diseases, substance use disorders can be prevented, treated, and managed. Treatment approaches include a range of behavioral therapies, medication-assisted treatment, and recovery support services. 5
Fewer than 10% of youth who need substance use disorder services receive them. Reasons include lack of easy access, lack of a workforce trained to work with youth, stigma, and family and cultural barriers.5
Social Norms Influence Attitudes and Behaviors
Often, youth overestimate the number of their peers who are engaging in substance use.
Using a social norms approach can help correct this misperception through a focus on the healthy norm: that most people do not engage in a risky behavior.6
Mental Health and Wellbeing
For adolescents, mental illnesses and substance use disorders often occur together.
As many as 60% to 75% of adolescents with substance use disorders are estimated to have a co-occurring mental illness. In some cases, substance use may begin as a strategy for self-medicating to manage psychiatric symptoms.7
Data Snapshot: Trends & Disparities
Substance use was reported at higher levels by female students; students whose parents did not finish high school; and gay, lesbian and bisexual students.4
Lack of connectedness is a risk factor for adolescent substance use. 35% of students using substances reported low connectedness, compared who 16% who reported high connectedness.4
Emergency department (ED) visits due to alcohol and other drug diagnoses vary geographically, with the Northern and Sierra region experiencing rates substantially above the state average.5
Lifetime marijuana use among California 11th graders was 64% overall, and ranged from 45% to 74% across counties with data.4
Adolescents who are homeless, in the child welfare and juvenile justice systems, living in rural areas, or who are lesbian, gay, bisexual, and/or transgender were least likely to receive mental health services.7
Percentage of Public School Students Who Have Used Alcohol or Drugs (Excluding Tobacco) in the Previous 30 Days, by Demographic Category
Percentage of Public School Students Who Have Used Alcohol or Drugs (Excluding Tobacco) in the Previous 30 Days, by County
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