Creating Healthy Communities / Reducing Unemployment

Creating Healthy Communities / Reducing Unemployment2022-02-10T12:16:28-08:00

A stable job with fair pay leads to better health.1

Stable employment allows people to afford the goods and services that are necessary to meet basic needs and wellbeing. Economic opportunity, especially having a job, is one the most powerful predictors of good health.2 Unemployment, especially for people in or near poverty, is associated with higher rates of stress-related illnesses and increased mortality.3,4 These negative health outcomes affect not only the unemployed persons but can extend to their families. Longer unemployment can increase risk of these negative health effects.3

This indicator tracks the percentage of labor force who are unemployed.3


In 2011, 11.7% of Californian’s were unemployed. The most recent data available show 4.2% (2018). The target is to be determined (TBD) for this indicator.

More Data about Unemployment



Current Rate




Indicator Highlights

Data Snapshot: Trends & Disparities

Percentage of Labor Force That is Unemployed, Over Time

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Percentage of Labor Force That is Unemployed, by County

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Indicator Name: Unemployment Rate

Indicator Description: Number of unemployed as a percentage of the labor force (people who are jobless, actively seeking work, and available to take a job).

Data Limitations: Does not include people who are able to work but either choose not to or have given up looking for a job. Does not include people who desire to work but are unable to (e.g. for health reasons). Does not measure underemployment. Unemployment statistics for the sub-national level are not direct survey estimates but instead models based on a variety of data inputs.

Indicator Source: Variety of data inputs including Current Population Survey (CPS), Current Employment Statistics (CES) survey, American Community Survey (ACS), and state unemployment insurance (UI) systems.

Indicator Calculation Methodology:

Data Collection Methodology:

Program URL Link:

Reporting Cycle: Quarterly — LGHC reports on annually.

Reporting Lag: Quarterly for data source — 1 year for LGHC.

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