Uninsured – Point in Time
In 2009 (baseline year), 14.5% of Californians (adults, adolescents and children combined) reported not having health insurance at the time the survey was conducted. The most recent data available show 7.2% (2019). We hope to reach a target of 5.0% or lower by 2022.
Uninsured – Some Point in the Past Year
In 2009 (baseline year), 8.7% of Californians (adults, adolescents and children combined) had a gap in health insurance over the course of the previous year. The most recent data available show 3.0% (2019). We hope to reach a target of 3.0% or lower by 2022.
Uninsured – For a Year or More
In 2009 (baseline year), 11.3% of Californians (adults, adolescents and children combined) were without health insurance for a year or more. The most recent data available show 5.7% (2019). We hope to reach a target of 4.0% or lower by 2022.
Indicator Highlights
“It gave me an opportunity to live”
Diana Parret’s story – in which her life was saved shortly after enrolling in Covered CA and being diagnosed with uterine cancer. Diana Parret could feel that something was wrong with her health, but after losing her job, she was unable to afford health insurance. Upon enrolling with Covered California, Diana learned that she had cancer, and she was able to get surgery in time to prevent a crisis. She is debt free and finds affordable health care a “gift” that has given her the opportunity to continue living.
First State Health Benefit Exchange
California was the first state in the nation to enact legislation creating a health benefit exchange (known as Covered California) under federal health care reform.
Over 3.4 million
Since Covered California opened its doors, more than 3.4 million consumers have used the marketplace to obtain insurance.2
Nearly 14 Million
Nearly 14 million people received coverage through Medi-Cal and almost all of those people are enrolled in Medi-Cal
It’s not just individuals who are sick or in need of health care who are signing up—rather, a group diverse in both age and health status are receiving care.
Health Services Research showed Covered California enrollees were healthier than anticipated, which meant less financial risk to health plans and lower premiums for enrollees, ultimately saving consumers tens of millions of dollars.
59% of Covered California enrollees had a check-up or preventative care visit by the Fall of 2014, which is nearly twice the rate of preventive visits among the uninsured.
Disparities & Trends
Since January 1, 2014, nearly five million Californians have been added to the Medi-Cal program, bringing total current enrollment to 13.4 million.
Notable increases in insurance coverage rates were found among people living below 138% of the Federal Poverty Guideline.
Fewer Californians currently cite “lack of affordability” as the main reason for going without health insurance.1
Some people are still uninsured
Of the state’s remaining uninsured, more than two-thirds were under 200% of the Federal Poverty Guidelines.1
More than 40% of the remaining uninsured were Latino.1
Proportion of Respondents Who Report They Have Been Uninsured at Some Point in the Past Year, Over Time
Proportion of Respondents Who Report They Have Been Uninsured at Some Point in the Past Year, By Demographic Category
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