Change-makers in action
California has a strong track record of spurring innovation and improving health. Let’s Get Healthy California aims to engage and empower change makers who are working to achieve critically necessary changes to improve health for all Californians.
SRCHC Care Coordination Program
Latesa Slone2016-01-17T20:51:06-08:00Receiving Care in an Integrated System|
This innovation seeks to lower health care costs at Santa Rosa Community Health Centers.
Street Vendors: Bringing Healthy Food to Central Valley Residents
Latesa Slone2016-01-13T05:58:12-08:00Adult Sugar-Sweetened Beverage Consumption|
The Vendors of Health innovation in Southeast Fresno was developed by Cultiva la Salud, a program of the Public Health Institute.
Live the Challenge
Latesa Slone2020-01-19T08:39:07-08:00Increasing Percent of Students Walking and Biking to School|
Live the Challenge is a 100 day challenge asking South Kern residents to commit to making one healthy change, joining with other residents, youth, businesses, and organizations/agencies to establish new healthy habits.
Medical-Legal Partnership for Seniors
Latesa Slone2016-01-13T05:56:38-08:00Increasing Advance Care Planning|
The Medical-Legal Partnership for Seniors provides legal assistance to lower income adults assisting them with health and financial advice, as well as advance care planning.
Ending Hunger in Orange County (OC)
Latesa Slone2016-01-13T05:55:49-08:00Increasing Fruit and Vegetable Consumption|
Orange County experiences a unique disparity in which it ranks sixth in highest median income statewide, while also ranking ninth nationwide in counties with the highest number of people facing food insecurity.
Growing Healthy Habits – A Community Garden Model
Latesa Slone2020-01-19T08:39:07-08:00Reducing Adult Obesity|
Yolo County Health and Human Services Agency has established a community garden at the agency’s Bauer building.
Healthy Babies are Worth the Wait Community Program
Latesa Slone2020-01-19T08:39:07-08:00Reducing First-Birth Cesarian Birth Rate|
Healthy Babies are Worth the Wait is a community program that focuses on decreasing “preventable” preterm birth through educating pregnant patients, perinatal providers, and the community on risk factors and strategies for reducing risks of preterm birth.
Improving Healthcare Quality & Safety While Reducing Costs Through Clinical Pharmacy Service Integration
Latesa Slone2016-01-13T05:53:38-08:00Receiving Care in an Integrated System|
This innovation delivers comprehensive medication management through AltaMed Health Services for the highest risk patients in the health system.
Clinic in the Park • Connect • Screen • Educate
Latesa Slone2016-01-23T00:42:55-08:00Increasing Coordinated Outpatient Care for Children, Increasing Vaccination Rates|
The Clinic in the Park is a health collaborative consisting of over 40 community nonprofits, academic, private and public organizations, volunteer health and public health professionals that brings free health and wellness screenings to needy families during the weekend at parks throughout Orange County.
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- Social Determinants of Health (7)
- Regions (3)
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- Healthy Beginnings (21)
- Infant Mortality (6)
- Safe Births (1)
- Adverse Childhood Experiences (3)
- Reducing Childhood Asthma (1)
- Reducing First-Birth Cesarian Birth Rate (3)
- Adolescent Fruit and Vegetable Consumption (1)
- Increasing Childhood Fitness (1)
- Adolescent Sugar-Sweetened Beverage Consumption (1)
- Reducing Childhood Maltreatment (3)
- Increasing Vaccination Rates (3)
- Decreasing Frequency of Sad or Hopeless Feelings in Youth (1)
- Reducing Childhood Obesity (5)
- Increasing Early Reading Levels (3)
- Living Well (22)
- Reducing Adult Obesity (9)
- Healthy Diets (2)
- Increasing Fruit and Vegetable Consumption (2)
- Decreasing Diabetes Prevalence (1)
- Improving Overall Health Status (1)
- Reducing Adolescent Depression (3)
- Reducing Adult Depression (3)
- Increasing Adult Physical Activity (1)
- Adult Sugar-Sweetened Beverage Consumption (2)
- End of Life (9)
- Redesigning the Health System (7)
- Creating Healthy Communities (20)
- Lowering the Cost of Care (7)
- Healthy Beginnings (21)
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