Organizing for Impact: Aligning Strategies, Actions, and Resources
The state health improvement plan (SHIP) connects a wide range of plans, programs, and initiatives across California and guides the development and implementation of policies, programs, and actions; at both the state and local level. Let’s Get Healthy California (LGHC) – the SHIP – lays out an overarching framework and strategic approach to unify efforts across the state that are working to address shared priorities identified within LGHC. Building on the findings of the state health assessment, the SHIP outlines how public health, together with key partners, will work to address health issues identified in the SHA to advance health equity and improvement population health.
Our Strategic Approach
This section defines an overarching set of strategies that guide ongoing updates, enhancements, and implementation of Let’s Get Healthy California – the state health improvement plan. This approach is informed by State and Nationally-recognized models and frameworks. The health equity strategy will be further defined within the developing State Health Equity Plan, as an integrated component of the broader State Health Improvement Plan.

- Drive transformative policy, systems and environmental change to address root causes and advance health of all individuals, families and communities.
- Promote prevention strategies early in the life course to support health across the lifespan and advance intergenerational wellbeing.

Health Equity
- Leverage data to identify and prioritize historically underserved and disproportionately impacted populations.
- Engage and elevate community voice to inform meaningful solutions to structural and social inequities.

Collective Action
- Organize for impact by aligning assets and resources and implementing activities that are mutually reinforcing across public, private, nonprofit and community partners.
- Build strategic partnerships to collectively address contributing factors that span beyond the traditional health sector.
Our Shared Priorities
Population health is affected by a complex web of conditions and factors that span beyond the traditional health sector. In order to make the most meaningful impact, implementation of the state health improvement plan is carried out through collaboration across a network of partners to advance progress in shared priorities. These priorities are cross-cutting in nature and are meant to engage across sectors so that all partners – state and local government agencies, private and nonprofit organizations, health care systems, academic institutions, and communities – can collaborate to advance the health and wellbeing of California’s individuals, families, and communities. These priorities and initiatives are not an exhaustive summary of efforts, but rather topical areas of focus where taking collective action across sectors could have a significant increase in impact.