Project Description

Food Literacy Center


Food Literacy Center


Only 4% of kids eat their daily recommended amount of vegetables. Poor diet can lead to a number of health problems, including obesity and diabetes. Food Literacy Center inspires kids to eat their vegetables. Through its Food Literacy Corps program, an AmeriCorps program administered by CaliforniaVolunteers and sponsored by the federal Corporation for National and Community Service, the nonprofit recruits and trains community members to become Food Geniuses, or food literacy instructors. These instructors are then supported by the nonprofit to serve in low-income Sacramento elementary schools, reaching 800 kids per week. The nonprofit’s Food Geniuses currently serve in eight schools, with a smart growth plan to double the number of schools served by 2018. The nonprofit is working with Sacramento City Unified School District, the City of Sacramento, and local real estate developer, The Mill at Broadway, to build and operate a Broccoli Headquarters facility that will include a school farm and cooking school.

To learn more visit the Food Literacy Corps website