Redesigning the Health System / Reducing Hospital Readmissions

Reducing Hospital Readmissions2025-02-04T00:38:50-08:00

Hospital readmissions cost the nation billions each year.1

Hospital readmissions refer to a hospital stay that occurs shortly after a patient has been discharged from the hospital. Hospital readmissions that occur within a short amount of time following a hospital discharge are a measure of clinical quality.1 High rates may indicate low quality care either during the hospital stay or after discharge, and are associated with high costs.2

This indicator tracks unplanned hospital readmissions within the first 30 days after hospital discharge.

Indicator Progress

In 2022 (baseline year), 14.5% of hospital discharges resulted in unplanned readmissions within 30 days. The most recent data available show 14.5% (2022). We hope to reach a target of 11.9% or lower by 2034.

More Data about Hospital Readmissions

Hospital Readmissions

Note: The target has changed from the original LGHC 2012 Task Force Report; see footnote on indicator page.



Current Rate




Indicator Highlights

Data Disparities & Trends

Rate of Unplanned Hospital Readmissions Within 30 Days of Discharge, Over Time

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Rate of Unplanned Hospital Readmissions Within 30 Days of Discharge, by Demographic Category

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Rate of Unplanned Hospital Readmissions Within 30 Days of Discharge, by County

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Indicator: 30-Day All Cause Hospital Readmission Rate, California

Indicator Description: The statewide number and (unadjusted) rate for all-cause, unplanned, 30-day inpatient readmissions in California hospitals. Specialty care facilities (psychiatric, substance use, long-term, non-acute care, rehabilitation, cancer, children’s hospitals) were excluded from the analysis. Methodology for this indicator was modified from the CMS 30-day all-cause readmission measure and includes all adult (18 years and older) patients. Data are categorized by age, sex, race and ethnicity, and expected payer.

Data Limitations: The statewide 30-day readmission rate is not risk-adjusted, and the methodology is not the same as the CMS 30-day all-cause readmission measure.

Indicator Source: Department of Health Care Access and Information (formerly Office of Statewide Health Planning and Development), Healthcare Information Division, Healthcare Outcomes Center

Data Sharing Agreement: Data are available on the open data portal.

Indicator Calculation Methodology: The numerator for the rate is the total number of unplanned hospital readmissions for all causes within 30 days of discharge from the index admission (the previous inpatient hospitalization). A readmission could serve as the index stay for a subsequent readmission within 30 days of the readmission discharge. The denominator is the total number of hospital admissions. For more details, see:

Data Collection Methodology:

Program URL Link:

Reporting Cycle: Annually (April)

1. Kripalani, S., Theobald, C. N., Anctil, B., & Vasilevskis, E. E. (2014). Reducing hospital readmission rates: Current strategies and future directions. Annual Review of Medicine, 65, 471-485.

2. Benbassat, J., & Taragin, M.I. (2013). The effect of clinical interventions on hospital readmissions: A meta-review of published meta-analyses. Israel J. of Health Policy Res., 2(1), 1-15.

3. Jiang, H. J., & Hensche, M. (2023, September). Characteristics of 30-day all-cause hospital readmissions, 2016-2020. Healthcare Cost and Utilization Project (HCUP) Statistical Brief #304. Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, Rockville, MD.

4. Jack, B. W., Chetty, V. K., Anthony, D., Greenwald, J. L., Sanchez, G. M., Johnson, A. E., Forsyth, S. R., O’Donnell, J. K., Paasche-Orlow, M. K., Manasseh, C., Martin, S., & Culpepper, L. (2009). A reengineered hospital discharge program to decrease re-hospitalization: A randomized trial. Annu Intern Med, 150(3), 178.

5. Mueller, S. K., Sponsler, K. C., Kripalani, S., & Schnipper, J. L. (2012). Hospital-based medication reconciliation practices: A systematic review. Arch Intern Med., 172(14), 1057–1069.

6. Dharmarajan, K., Wang, Y., Lin, Z., Normand, S-L. T., Ross, J. S., Horwitz, L. I., Desai, N. R., Suter, L. G., Drye, E. E., Bernheim, S. M., & Krumhlz, H. M. (2017). Association of changing hospital readmission rates with mortality rates after hospital discharge. JAMA, 318(3), 270–278.

7. Hesselink, G., Schoonhoven, L., Barach, P., Spijker, A., Gademan, P., Kalkman, C., Liefers, J., Vernooij-Dassan, M., & Wollersheim, H. (2012). Improving patient handovers from hospital to primary care: a systematic review. Annals of Internal Medicine, 157, 417-428.

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