Lowering the Cost of Care / Increasing Insurance Coverage

Increasing Insurance Coverage2022-07-05T12:39:16-07:00


Uninsured – Point in Time

In 2009 (baseline year), 14.5% of Californians (adults, adolescents and children combined) reported not having health insurance at the time the survey was conducted. The current value in 2019 was 7.2%. The updated 2034 target is to be determined (TBD).

More Data about Uninsured – Point in Time



Current Rate




Uninsured – Some Point in the Past Year

In 2009 (baseline year), 8.7% of Californians (adults, adolescents and children combined) had a gap in health insurance over the course of the previous year. The current value in 2019 was 3.0%. The updated 2034 target is to be determined (TBD).

More Data about Uninsured – Some Point in the Past Year



Current Rate




Uninsured – For a Year or More

In 2009 (baseline year), 11.3% of Californians (adults, adolescents and children combined) were without health insurance for a year or more. The current value in 2019 was 5.7%. The updated 2034 target is to be determined (TBD).

More Data about Uninsured – For a Year or More



Current Rate




Indicator Highlights

Disparities & Trends

Proportion of Respondents Who Report They Have Been Uninsured at Some Point in the Past Year, Over Time

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Proportion of Respondents Who Report They Have Been Uninsured at Some Point in the Past Year, By Demographic Category

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Indicator: Percent of adults who are currently uninsured, insured but had gap, and uninsured a year or more

Indicator Description: Indicators are from UCLA’s California Health Interview Survey (CHIS) Public Use File (PUF) and consequently their exploratory dashboard, AskCHIS. “Currently uninsured”, and “Insured but had gap” assess whether persons are currently experiencing, or experienced interruption in health insurance at some point in the past 12 months (CHIS PUF Variable INSANY: currently uninsured, unins. any past 12 mo.). Uninsured a year or more assesses whether persons had no insurance the entire past year (CHIS PUF Variable: UNINSANY: uninsured entire past year). Currently uninsured and uninsured a year or more are available via AskCHIS (Currently Coverage: Currently insured, Past Coverage: Any time during past year without insurance, respectively).

Note: This indicator includes individuals over the age of 64 to better comply with the baseline and target in the original 2012 LGHC taskforce report. Uninsurance percentages will be lower than other reports that exclude this population as a result, as the 65+ year population almost all have Medicare. However, coverage is still not 100% as can be seen in the bar graph, due to citizenship status or other factors.

Data Limitations: Asked of California’s residential population (adults, teens, and children), administered in English, Spanish, Chinese, Korean, Tagalog, and Vietnamese. Does not include those living in group quarters or homeless persons.

Indicator Source: UCLA’s California Health Interview Survey (CHIS) is a biennial population-based, omnibus health survey of California. It is the largest telephone survey in California and the largest state health survey in the country. Note that this indicator uses weighted data.

Indicator Calculation Methodology: Indicator constructed from responses to multiple survey questions. More information about “constructed variables” is available from the CHIS FAQs, available at https://healthpolicy.ucla.edu/chis/faq/Pages/default.aspx

Data Collection Methodology: Statewide telephone survey using a geographically stratified sample design. Estimates are weighted to Dept. of Finance demographic data (adjusted for group quarters population). More information is available at https://healthpolicy.ucla.edu/chis/design/Pages/overview.aspx

Program URL Link: https://healthpolicy.ucla.edu/chis/Pages/default.aspx

Reporting Cycle: Annual Survey

Reporting Lag: 2 years

1. California HealthCare Foundation. (n.d.). ACA 411: Explore The Data. Retrieved January 5, 2018, from chcf.org: https://www.chcf.org/aca-411/explore-the-data#trend%2Ccoverage%2Coverviewofcoverage%2Cinsurcovdistribution%2CPies%20(Insurancetype)%2C2016%2Cuninsured

2. Covered California. (n.d.). California’s Health Benefit Exchange. Retrieved January 31, 2018 from Covered California: https://hbex.coveredca.com/about/

Stories & Solutions

It’s a game changer to have access – Kimeko’s Story

Kimeko is thankful that she got enrolled in Covered California. She wasn’t feeling well and went to the doctor where they told her she could have a stroke any minute and admitted her to the hospital on the spot. Now she is getting the care she needs by the caring doctors and nurses at UCLA Medical Center at a cost she can afford. She is now happily pursuing her entrepreneurial dreams as a small business owner.

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Large LGBT community events worked well in some areas, while private workshops and house parties were better in other parts of California. Outreach took place at LGBT-frequented churches, businesses and hangouts.

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