Living Well / Decreasing Adult Sugary Beverage Consumption

Healthy Diets – Reducing Consumption of Sugary Sweetened Beverages2022-02-02T08:58:10-08:00

Sugar-sweetened beverages are associated with increased rates of obesity and other chronic health conditions1

One approach to improving the overall health of Californians is to improve diet. Many Californians are looking closer at their drink choices as sugar-sweetened beverages (SSBs) are one of the largest sources of added sugar in our diets.1 Sugary drinks are defined as liquids that are sweetened with various forms of sugars that add calories. These beverages include, but are not limited to, soda, fruit-ades and fruit drinks, and sports and energy drinks. This indicator is measured by the number of adults who drank two or more sodas or other sugary drinks per day, The Let’s Get Healthy California aim is to reduce the number of Californians who drink two or more SSBs per day by half.2

Indicator Progress

In 2013 (baseline year), 7.1% of adults drank two or more sugar-sweetened beverages daily. The current value in 2015 was 7.8%. The updated 2034 target is to be determined (TBD).

More Data about Adult Sugary Beverage Consumption

Adult Sugary Beverage Consumption

Note: The baseline has changed from the original LGHC 2012 Task Force Report due to changes in survey methodology of the data source in 2011.



Current Rate




Indicator Highlights

Data Snapshot: Disparities & Trends

Proportion of Adults Who Drank Two or More Sodas or Other Sugary Drinks per Day, by Demographic Category

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Proportion of Adults Who Drank Two or More Sodas or Other Sugary Drinks per Day, by County

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Indicator: Adults who drank 2 or more sodas or other sugary drinks per day

Description: Adults were asked about how often they drink soda (per week) or other sugary drinks (per month); the answer was converted to a daily frequency

Data Limitations: Asked of California’s residential population (adults, teens, and children), administered in English, Spanish, Chinese, Korean, Tagalog, and Vietnamese. Does not include those living in group quarters or homeless persons.

Due to statistical instability, demographic analysis at the county level has not been displayed.

Indicator Source: California Health Interview Survey (CHIS) is a biennial population-based, omnibus health survey of California. It is the largest telephone survey in California and the largest state health survey in the country. Note that this indicator uses weighted data.

Data Sharing Agreement: Researchers can access a variety of publicly available CHIS data files and web tools. These CHIS data products include downloadable data sets and easy-to-read documents. In addition, local county health departments can request data files specific to their county. However, researchers can apply to analyze confidential CHIS data, data sensitive variables and/or geo-coded data through the CHIS Data Access Center (DAC). Access to confidential CHIS data requires a research application, review, and approval.

Indicator Calculation Methodology:

Data Collection Methodology:

Program URL Link:

Reporting Cycle: Annual. Beginning in 2011, CHIS became a continuous survey, with ongoing data collection throughout each two-year cycle.

Reporting Lag: 2-3 Years

1. Backman, D., Lee, P., & Paciotti, B. (2013). Health Disparities in the Medi-Cal Population. Retrieved November 17, 2015, from

2. Let’s Get Healthy California Task Force. (December 2012). Lets Get Healthy California Task Force Final Report. Let’s Get Healthy California Task Force.,

3 Center for Disease Control and Prevention . (March 2010). CDC Guide to Stratigies for Reducing the Consumption of Sugar-Sweetened Beverages. Alanta, GA: Center for Disease Control and Prevention.

4 California Department of Public Health(2013, July). Network for Healthly CA.Retrieved November 17, 2015, from

5. Ogden, C., Kit, B., Carroll, M., & Park, S. (2011, August 31). NCHS Data Brief. Retrieved November 17, 2015, from

Stories & Solutions

Rethink Your Drink

This public health initiative aims to educate low-income Californians about healthy drink options, help identify drinks with added sugar, and make the link between consumption of sugar-sweetened drinks and health risks.

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