Healthy Beginnings / Increasing Adolescent Fruit and Vegetable Consumption

Healthy Beginnings / Increasing Adolescent Fruit and Vegetable Consumption2022-07-01T15:39:18-07:00

Over 70 percent of California adolescents are not eating enough fruits and vegetables1

Eating vegetables and fruits is connected with a reduced risk of many chronic diseases, may be protective against certain types of cancer, and may help teens achieve and maintain a healthy weight.2

Indicator Progress

In 2009 (baseline year), 19.9% of adolescents aged 12-17 met the recommended intake of fruits and vegetables (at least 5 servings per day). The current value in 2018 was 24.0%. The updated 2034 target is to be determined (TBD).

More Data about Adolescent Fruit and Vegetable Consumption



Current Rate




Indicator Highlights

Proportion of Adolescents Who Reported Consuming Fruits and Vegetables Five or More Times Yesterday, Over Time

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Proportion of Adolescents Who Reported Consuming Fruits and Vegetables Five or More Times Yesterday, by Demographic Category

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Proportion of Adolescents Who Reported Consuming Fruits and Vegetables Five or More Times Yesterday, by Location

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Indicator: Percent of Adolescents who have consumed fruits and vegetables five or more times per day.

Description: Indicators are from UCLA’s California Health Interview Survey (CHIS) Public Use File (PUF) and consequently their exploratory dashboard, AskCHIS. This variable is a construct based on diet questions asking the number of fruits and the number of vegetables consumed for prior 24-hour eating period (CHIS PUF Variable: FV5DAY, AskCHIS Variable: Five-a-day). Youth 12-17 were asked “Yesterday, how many servings of fruit, such as an apple or banana, did you eat?” AND “Yesterday, how many servings of vegetables, like corn, green beans, green salad, or other vegetables did you have?”.

Data Limitations: Asked of California’s residential population (adults, teens, and children), administered in English, Spanish, Chinese, Korean, Tagalog, and Vietnamese. Does not include those living in group quarters or homeless persons. This indicator uses weighted data.

Indicator Source: UCLA’s Center for Health Policy Research CHIS is an annual, population-based, omnibus health survey of California. It is the largest telephone survey in California and the largest state health survey in the country. Note that this indicator uses weighted data.

Data Sharing Agreement: Researchers can access a variety of publicly available CHIS data files and web tools. These CHIS data products include downloadable data sets and easy-to-read documents. In addition, local county health departments can request data files specific to their county. However, researchers can apply to analyze confidential CHIS data, data sensitive variables and/or geo-coded data through the CHIS Data Access Center (DAC). Access to confidential CHIS data requires a research application, review, and approval.

Indicator Calculation Methodology: Indicator constructed from responses to multiple survey questions. More information about “constructed variables” is available from the CHIS FAQs, available at

Data Collection Methodology: Statewide telephone survey using a geographically stratified sample design. Estimates are weighted to Dept. of Finance demographic data (adjusted for group quarters population). More information is available at

Program URL Link:

Reporting Cycle: Annual Survey

Reporting Lag: 2 years

  1. Nutrition Education and Obesity Prevention Branch. (2014). Obesity in California: The Weight of the State. California Department of Public Health. Weblink:
  2. Backman, D., Lee, P., & Paciotti, B. (2013). Health Disparities in the Medi-Cal Population. Retrieved November 17, 2015, from

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