Creating Healthy Communities / Increasing Neighborhood Safety

Increasing Neighborhood Safety2022-07-05T10:39:41-07:00

Make our communities healthy and violence-free

Community members cannot thrive or enjoy good health unless they are safe. Violence is a public health issue. Violence and fear of violence increase the risk of poor health outcomes and also undermine the community supports and conditions that would otherwise promote health and well-being.1

Violence in its many forms, such as child abuse, domestic violence, sexual assault, gang violence, and gun violence, is a leading cause of injury, disability, and premature death. It impacts the health of individuals, families, and communities, and can be a barrier to healthy eating and active living, community cohesion, and community economic development.2

Feeling unsafe may lead people to avoid walking, biking, or taking public transportation; have fewer interactions with neighbors; keep their children from playing outside; and, stay indoors rather than seek out goods and services they need such as groceries, or medical appointments.3 Safe communities that provide opportunities to be active and eat well support people in making healthy choices.

Indicator Progress

In 2007 (baseline year), 92.4% of Californians adults reported feeling safe in their neighborhoods most or all of the time. The current value in 2018 was 88.7%. The updated 2034 target is to be determined (TBD).

More Data about Neighborhood Safety



Current Rate




Indicator Highlights

Disparities & Trends

Percent of Adults Who Report They Feel Safe in Their Neighborhoods All or Most of the Time, Over Time

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Percent of Adults Who Report They Feel Safe in Their Neighborhoods All or Most of the Time, by Demographic Category

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Percent of Adults Who Report They Feel Safe in Their Neighborhoods All or Most of the Time, by County

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Indicator: Percent of adults who report they feel safe in their neighborhoods all or most of the time

Indicator Description:  Indicators are from UCLA’s California Health Interview Survey (CHIS) Public Use File (PUF) and consequently their exploratory dashboard, AskCHIS. This variable is based on a question asking if adults felt safe in their neighborhood (CHIS PUF Variable: AK28, AskCHIS Variable: Feels safe in neighborhood). Adults 18+ were asked “Do you feel safe in your neighborhood” and answers were aggregated into “Felt safe all or most of the time” and “Didn’t feel safe some or none of the time.”

Data Limitations: Asked of California’s residential population (adults, teens, and children), administered in English, Spanish, Chinese, Korean, Tagalog, and Vietnamese. Does not include those living in group quarters or homeless persons.

Indicator Source: UCLA’s Center for Health Policy Research CHIS is an annual, population-based, omnibus health survey of California. It is the largest telephone survey in California and the largest state health survey in the country. Note that this indicator uses weighted data.

Data Sharing Agreement: Researchers can access a variety of publicly available CHIS data files and web tools. These CHIS data products include downloadable data sets and easy-to-read PDF documents. In addition, local county health departments can request data files specific to their county. However, researchers can apply to analyze confidential CHIS data, data sensitive variables and/or geo-coded data through the CHIS Data Access Center (DAC). Access to confidential CHIS data requires a research application, review, and approval.

Indicator Calculation Methodology: Adults who report they feel safe in their neighborhoods

Data Collection Methodology: Statewide telephone survey using a geographically stratified sample design. Estimates are weighted to Dept. of Finance demographic data (adjusted for group quarters population). More information is available at

Program URL Link

Reporting Cycle: Annual Survey

Reporting Lag: 2 years

1California Endowment. (2015, February). Community Safety: A Building Block for Community Health . The Prevention Institute. From

2Prevention Institute. (2015, March). Safety in All Policies: Multi-Sector Actions for a Safer California. Retrieved January 8, 2016, from

3Center for Disease Control and Prevention. (August 2014). Connecting the Dots: An Overview of the Links among Multiple Forms of Violence. The Prevention Institute.

4Michelle Liberman, S. Z. (2015). Safe Routes to School. Oakland, CA: Safe Routes to School National Partnership. From

5 Prevention Institute. (2011, May). Fact Sheets: Links Between Violence and Chronic Diseases, Mental Illness and Poor Learning. Retrieved November 17, 2015, from www.preventioninstitute.org

6Centers for Disease Control and Prevention . (2014, October 22). Injury Prevention & Control : Division of Violence Prevention . Retrieved January 8, 2016, from

7Schweig, S. (2014, March). Healthy Communities May Make Safe Communities: Public Health Approaches to Violence Prevention. Retrieved January 8, 2016, from nij.gov

8Agency for Toxic Substances and Abuse Registry . (2015, June 25). Models and Frameworks for the Practice of Community Engagement. Retrieved January 16, 2016, from

9 UNITY. (n.d.). Multi-Sector Collaboration. Retrieved January 8, 2016, from

10California Strategic Growth Council. (n.d.). California Health in All Polices Task Force. Retrieved December 11, 2015, from

11Prevention Institute. (2011, September). Fact Sheet: Links Between Violence and Health Equity. Retrieved November 17, 2015, from

12Prevention Institute. (2010, May ). Addressing the Intersection: Preventing Violence and Promoting Healthy Eating and Active Living. Retrieved November 17, 2015, from www.preventioninstitute.org

13Office of Health Equity. (August 2015). Portrait of Promise: California Statewide Plan to Promote Health Equity and Mental Health Equity. California Department of Public Health.

14Lieberman, M., & Zimmerman, S. (n.d.). Taking Back the Streets & Sidewalks. Retrieved December 11, 2015, from

Stories & Solutions

Walk With Friends

The Health Education Council’s (HEC) HEAL Zone is an initiative that aims to increase healthy eating and enable active living for the more than 13,000 residents living in the South Sacramento Valley Hi neighborhood.

Strengthening Community – Reducing Violence: Oakland: Sobrante Park

This neighborhood initiative engages residents from Sobrante Park in community-strengthening efforts such as neighbor-to-neighbor bartering and youth economic development programs. Evaluation shows a more than 40-percent reduction in Sobrante Park’s violent crime between 2004 and 2007, even as overall rates of violent crime in Oakland increased. 4 Community engagement also [...]

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